Alaina's in the paper... again!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Getting ready for the pageant!

Alaina has been working super hard getting ready for the pageant! She's prepared her resume, art contest photo, learned how to answer interview questions, practiced her model walk (lol - too cute) & gotten her introduction down to a science, all with a smile!

We just finished up taking photos (90 of them, sheesh)... she's a great little model although she was upset, hot & tired after awhile; we took them at the park near the Locks & the Civic Center Park. It was fun!

While this pic turned out cute as pie, she was really pouting lol... I just happened to snap the shot!

This is turning out to be a wonderful opportunity for her & it's helping her get out of that "shy shell". I'm hoping she meets some great friends pageant weekend!