Alaina's in the paper... again!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Alaina is Miss Louisiana Princess 1st place Queen!!!!


YAY, Alaina!!

Okies, the precious princesses have made it back to the stage & are getting their state finalist awards! I'm trying to video on my son's phone & take pics but it's hard when I'm shaking & excited! I managed to get a few photos/videos but I can't seem to get them from the phone just yet (update: video below & clear pics below are all I could seem to get lol) "/ I'll work on that soon because the pics below are SO NOT good lol... hands too shaky to get good shots... THANK GOD for the official photos!

After Alaina gets the awards, she comes to find me sitting in the "VIP mommy section". Other awards are given: most photogenic, art contest, most ticket sales, etc. Alaina sits as her name isn't called & she turns to me & says "Mommy, when is she gonna call me? I want another trophy!" I tell her how important it is to keep clapping & cheering for the other girls & her turn will come! We sit longer & more names are called & she says "Mommy, I'm cheering & clapping but she still didn't call me!" Of course I'm super sad for her because she worked hard, but I keep smiling & encouraged her to do the same.

Finally, the modeling awards are called & she places 3rd! She's soooo excited & I'm excited for her! I told her that she'd get to go to Nationals because she placed & she was so happy! Lastly, it's time to announce the 10 finalists. Alaina's name is called second & OMG... she dashes up so quickly, she barely had time to hug me! She goes up, gets her rose & waits while the other girls are called. They exit the stage, then come back & Miss Joy begins announcing the winners! 4th place is called, then 3rd place... I'm nervous because the little princess who won 3rd place I was sure would win... I can no longer take photos - I put the phone in my pocket, clinch my hands tightly together & tell God I can't take it! 2nd place is called & it's not my baby... with tears in my eyes while my little one is still standing on stage, 1st place is called... IT'S ALAINA!!!! YAY!!!!! OMG I couldn't make a sound; I was soooo elated! She went up to receive her trophy & roses. The queen is announced & it's little Miss Brylee Kate! I went over to hug & congratulate her mommy & then it was all over! The feeling is surreal & we all know our princesses are going to Nationals in November!

Final pageant proofs - I'll have the "legal" originals soon!

This has been a humbling & blessed experience that I wouldn't trade for the world! God truly blessed us & our baby girl found favor in His sight! She truly is an amazing little girl & we know that God has a calling on her life that will bring Him much glory!

1 comment:

  1. Cool. Well, I've been invited to go to the NAM audition for miss Louisiana. Do u have any suggestions? Like what to wear or anything? How many girls will I compete against?
